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Reading With Your Kids is all about encouraging parents to read with their kids, and cook with their kids, and do activities with their kids, and experience tv, movies and music together. In other words, our podcast is all about helping parents build stronger relationships with their kids.

Sep 30, 2018

Get a free digital download of Jedlie's new book "Love That I Matter" by becoming one of our Very Important Families. Sign up for free at

Timothy Young has been creating illustrations, toys and character designs for over 30 years. He is the Author/Illustrator of 11 children's books including...

Sep 29, 2018

Looking to inspire students to be caring and respectful? Check out Jedlie's acclaimed assembly "We Choose Respect!" at

Allexia Brewer is a rebel and provocateur, always blazing new paths and teaching others to do the same! She tells us about Monadiki, the inspirational tale of a girl who is born into a...

Sep 27, 2018

Become a Reading With Your Kids Very Important Family and receive a free digital download of Jedlie's new book "Love That I Matter!" and more!

Our good friend Leslea Wahl is here to share some great action and adventure books you will love reading with your teens. And this month's suggestions...

Sep 25, 2018

You will love listening to your kids read this book to you! Get a free digital download of Jedlie's "Love That I Matter" at

Imagine visiting every country in the World. Now imagine attempting to visit every country in the World with your spouse and young children! Today's guest, Ricky Shetty,...