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Reading With Your Kids is all about encouraging parents to read with their kids, and cook with their kids, and do activities with their kids, and experience tv, movies and music together. In other words, our podcast is all about helping parents build stronger relationships with their kids.

May 31, 2018

Jedlie's Totally Interactive School Assembly inspires kids to build bully free schools. To learn more please visit

Nayera Salam tells us about her Picture Book Woodland Fairies - Helping and Having Fun. In this rhyming fantasy, the four nature lovers don’t end their day of fun until they help their...

May 29, 2018

Jedlie's We Choose Respect School Assembly inspires kids to be caring, kind and to build bully free schools. For more information please visit

If you love horses you do not want to miss this episode. Rae Rankin, author of Cowgirl Lessons, visits the Reading With Your Kids Podcast. Cowgirl Lessons is a...

May 27, 2018

Jedlie loves to dance, but what he loves to do more than anything else is inspire kids to be kind and caring. Check out his totally interactive school assembly at

Hey everyone, get out your platform shoes and bell bottomed pants as we welcome Lori Kristen Kelly to the show. Lori has written a delightful...

May 26, 2018

Jedlie's school assemblies inspires kids to be kind and respectful through illusions and storytelling. To learn more please visit

One of our favorite guests Deepa Agarwal returns to tell us about her new anthology Sacked, Folk Tales You Can Carry Around. This is a charming collection of folktales that has...

May 24, 2018

"The Great Maritini!", the award winning picture book from Jedlie, inspires kids to turn caring into action. Get your autographed copy at

Our guests is Elizabeth Gerlach, a triplet mom, fundraiser, marketer, and most recently children's book author with her first book "Ben's Adventures: Beach Day"....