Mar 28, 2017
Oh what a show we have for you today! Our guest today is Lisa Maxbauer Price, the author of Squash, Boom, Beet. Lisa says "Stomp your feet. Squash the ground. It's time to explore all around. March to the garden. Listen to the beat. Get ready to find something wild to eat!" .... She believes that tasting new vegetables can be an exciting adventure, especially when trying foods like dragon tongue beans, dinosaur kale, fairy tale eggplant and candy cane beets. In Lisa's beautiful book she takes us on a journey from A to Z . You will love the beautiful photography of exciting farm foods-everything from awesome Asparagus to green tiger Zucchini! This is the book parents have been waiting for. Kids will want to be brave eaters if it means trying these fun veggies.
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