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Reading With Your Kids is all about encouraging parents to read with their kids, and cook with their kids, and do activities with their kids, and experience tv, movies and music together. In other words, our podcast is all about helping parents build stronger relationships with their kids.

Aug 25, 2024

In this episode of Reading with Your Kids, host Jed Doherty had the pleasure of speaking with two talented children's book authors - Michelle Schaub and Ty Trotter. 
Michelle Schaub shared insights into her two latest books, "A Place for Rain" and "Leafy Landmarks: Travels with Trees." "A Place for Rain" is a lyrical story about a classroom that comes together to build a rain garden, teaching kids about the importance of green infrastructure and capturing rainwater to prevent pollution. Michelle emphasized her goal of empowering young readers to take small, impactful actions to help the environment. 
"Leafy Landmarks" is a unique poetry collection that takes readers on a family road trip to visit historic and remarkable trees across the United States. Michelle drew from her own childhood memories, like climbing a beloved sycamore tree in college, to inspire the book's warm, personal tone. Listeners were fascinated to learn about "Moon Trees" - tree seeds that were sent to space and then planted back on Earth.
Debut author Ty Trotter discussed his new picture book, "Welcome to My World," which celebrates diversity and educates children about different experiences of visual impairment. Ty's personal connection to the topic, as the child of blind parents, shines through. The book covers techniques like echolocation that some visually impaired people use to navigate the world. Ty's goal is to inspire empathy, understanding and open communication between sighted and visually impaired individuals.
Both Michelle and Ty's books offer valuable lessons for young readers, whether it's environmental stewardship or embracing human differences. Their passion for creating meaningful, impactful children's literature is truly inspiring.

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