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Reading With Your Kids is all about encouraging parents to read with their kids, and cook with their kids, and do activities with their kids, and experience tv, movies and music together. In other words, our podcast is all about helping parents build stronger relationships with their kids.

Oct 31, 2017

The Great Maritini by Jedlie is a fun & funny picture book that teaches kids to be kind. Click here to get your copy for as low as 99 cents!

Oh what a fun episode this is. One of our favorite guests, Pembroke Sinclair, (also known as Jessica Robinson) author of the oh so scary Life After The Undead, joins us to tell us...

Oct 29, 2017

The Great Maritini by Jedlie is a fun & funny picture book that teaches kids to have the courage to help others. Click here to read the kindle version for free!

Christa Avampato joins us today to introduce us to her YA novel Emerson Page and Where The Light Enters. This is a fascinating story deftly told, a tale of...

Oct 28, 2017

Looking for a fun school assembly that promotes respect? Please check out Jedlie's We Choose Respect at

One of our favorite guests Francie Healey returns with another super healthy, do it together recipe you and your kids will love - Quinoa Black Bean Salad. Francie not only shares the recipe but also...