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Reading With Your Kids is all about encouraging parents to read with their kids, and cook with their kids, and do activities with their kids, and experience tv, movies and music together. In other words, our podcast is all about helping parents build stronger relationships with their kids.

Dec 30, 2022

Asher Cloran is on the #ReadingWithYourKids #Podcast to celebrate Life Rocks, a unique interactive llearning experience for kids and their families. Asher tells us his most powerful experiences as a child all involved Nature. Experiencing the contrast between a public education devoid of Nature connection, and then a Steiner education rich in Nature connection – left him with strong impressions of what is most important for learning and life.
“Being introduced to nature connection practices awakened his love and passion for it. He came to the realisation that Nature contains many of the remedies that we are looking for”. On this quest, he has studied holistic health, human development, kinesiology, education and natural sciences. The more he have learned, the more he discovered the challenges and damages of modern life on our up and coming generations – and became passionate about helping our culture to overcome them.

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